Definition of internet is a circuit or a network of interconnected computers. Internet comes from word-networking interconnected. The Internet is a global network that connects a network (network) with other networks around the world. Media that connects to a cable or satellite channels, radio frequency.

what is the definition of internet?

Network internet work work by a protocol (rules). TCP / IP is Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol is the standard protocol used to connect networks in the internet so that the data can be sent from one computer to another. Each computer is assigned a unique number called an IP address.

internet history starts from ARPANet, a U.S. Department of Defense project. In 1969 conducted a research that is how to connect a computer to another computer or to form a network. In 1970 they managed to connect more than 10 computers that make up the network. Then in 1973 ARPANet networks were developed outside the United States. History of internet continues when the computer at University College in London to join the network ARPANet. In the following years the network is growing.

In 1982, because of the many who joined the computer needed a formal protocol that connects all the computers and networks and established TCP / IP. In 1984 and then introduced the domain naming system known as DNS (Domain Name System). The Internet grew rapidly in the 1990s. Such is a brief history of the internet.
Some issues related to internet are:


WWW (World Wide Web) is part of the internet is rapidly growing and most popular. WWW is a network of thousands of computers are categorized into two, namely: client and server. Two things to note is the web server software and web browser software.
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that determines the rules that need to be followed by the web browser and web server. HTTP is the standard protocol used in accessing the HTML documents.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a means for determining information on a web server. URLs can be likened to an address. URL consists of:

Protocol used by a browser to retrieve information.
Name of the computer (server) where the information is located.
Lane or path and file name of an information.

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